
Please download our 2018 Case for Support to learn more about our programmes, our participants and our levels of success. To download our 2018 Case Study for Support, please click HERE.


With the generous support of The Bank of Bermuda Foundation and Fidelit International Ltd., we developed our Strategic Plan for 2016-2020.

To download our Strategic Plan, please click HERE.


Additionally, Raleigh International (UK) has worked with the Institute of Public Policy Research (ippr), Dr Simon Beames from the University of Edinburgh and Dr Tim Stott from Liverpool John Moores University to evaluate the impact of the expedition on participants and alongside Dr Julia Mitchell and Bryan Michell from the University of Birmingham to evaluate the impact of our work on the developing communities. 

Raleigh is committed to ensuring our programme has a long-term positive impact on our participants, as our ultimate goal is to have the young people engaged in society - working or in school, and thus contributing to our community.


As an organisation, we believe strongly that our donors and supporters deserve to hear not only about our impact, but also about our financial management. Our current Annual Report includes a detailed 'Year in Review' plus audited financials. And, we continue to fulfill the requirements of the Bermuda National Standards Committee. We are proud to be BNSC certified until December 31st, 2023.


To download our Annual Report for FYE 2021, which includes our Audited Financials.

Fiscal Year Ending 2021


If you would like to download our previous Annual Reports, click on the links below.

Fiscal Year Ending 2020

Fiscal Year Ending 2019

Fiscal Year Ending 2018

Fiscal Year Ending 2017

Fiscal Year Ending 2016

Fiscal Year Ending 2015

There Are Several Ways That You Can Donate


Donations can be made via bank transfer to:

HSBC Bank of Bermuda


Donate Online using Premier Tickets (Ptix Bermuda):

Please click here to donate online at Ptix Bermuda: "HERE"


Donations can be mailed to:

P.O. Box HM 2475
Hamilton, HM GX


Donations can be made at your place of Employment

You can ask your Human Resources Manager to select Raleigh Bermuda as the recipient of your weekly/monthly Union dues.


For U.S.A. Tax Payers - Donations can be made via Friends of Bermuda Community Foundation

Friends of Bermuda Community Foundation (FBCF) is a public charity that is exempt from U.S.A. Federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to FBCF are deductible under section 170 of the Code.


The FBCF facilitates donations from individuals or corporations who pay taxes to the U.S.A. and that wish to donate funds to a local charity. Through their role as an intermediary, the FBCF ensures that U.S.A. taxpayers are able to maintain the tax deductability of their charitable gifts.


In-Kind Donations

We appreciate gifts of new and used expedition/camping equipment, especially rucksacks, tents, sleeping bags and roll mats. We also love donations of office supplies to help us with our office operations.

Malcolm’s Room was launch in October 2020 as Bermuda’s first community safe space for young people where they can escape their harmful, toxic and abusive environments.


The community drop-in space is accessible every Thursday from 10am - 5pm with the following resources available such as:

  • Computer
  • Printer
  • Wifi
  • Studying Space
  • Library/ Reading Space


Skills development workshops and other supporting services are also offered by appointment such as:

  • Resume and Job Interview skills
  • College and Scholarship Application Support
  • Budgeting and Finance Skills
  • Job and Housing Search Support


For more information about services available, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 333-5678

Empowering Bermuda's Youth to Harness their full Potential


Raleigh's vision is of a Bermuda where young people work together, regardless of social background and culture - challenged to raise their aspirations, supported to believe in themselves and inspired to be part of a global community active in making their world a better place.


Raleigh International Bermuda (reg charity # 710) was founded in 2004 by Michael Spurling. The programme structure and philosophy of the Bermuda organisation are based on internationally recognised principals of experiential learning and are designed to help young people develop skills and self-confidence in a fun yet challenging environment beyond the classroom and workplace. Our goal is to empower young Bermudians to set positive goals and take control of their lives. By helping them to see that they are stronger than they thought possible, they are able to realise their full potential and effectively manage the 'day to day' risks they face including drugs, alcohol, crime, bullying, loss of motivation, low self-esteem, and lack of self-confidence.

Our Mission

Using overseas expeditions, local training and continued coaching, we challenge young Bermudians to harness their full potential and develop skills for life.

Raleigh International Bermuda
Physical Address: 61 Verdmont Road, 2nd floor, Smiths, FL02

Mailing Address: P.O Box HM 2475, Hamilton, HMBX

Tel: +1 (441) 333-5678

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